In this recap, I share highlights from our latest Zoom chat, covering essential tips for staying noticed in the event production industry, gear setups that maximize efficiency, and why investing in the right tools matters. Plus, hardware recommendations and insights on raising rates to match inflation. A must-read for production professionals looking to sharpen their skills and stay ahead in the game!
Author: admin
CGRS Week 11
We talked about our industry top to bottom and aired some thoughts about how to move forward and how to help each other grow in this new environment.
CGRS Week 7
We talked about our industry top to bottom and aired some thoughts about how to move forward and how to help each other grow in this new environment.
Graphics Talk: Week Five
We took a look at working in Teams. We found a lot of problems and we highlighted some real strengths. We ran some scenarios that we could encounter in the wild and come up with some answers but Teams still has some issues that make it a challenge to use.
Graphics Talk: Week Four
TEAMS TEAMS TEAMS We took a look at working in Teams. We found a lot of problems and we highlighted some real strengths. Since the meeting, I've got some answers to some of the questions we had and I've set us up to continue the dialogue in Teams this coming week and really get our...
Graphics Talk: Week Three
This week there was more cueing fun, some color tests, some updates RE video conferencing platforms, and some talk about accounting practices in the age of SBA loans. I also misspelled "streaming".
Production Notes About Video Conferencing
What we covered Continued dialogue about the state of meetings and virtual meetings in general Review of the three most popular online video “DIY” platforms Review of three cueing methods for use during presentations First, I’m getting a new mic, I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. Second, I thought I had set the session to...
Production notes about Zoom
What we covered Test videos: two sizes 1080p and 720p Test changed desktop size of screen being shared with same two videos Test OBS and No OBS for same two videos Eugenio’s iCue cueing system Demonstrated the “remote” feature in Zoom We didn’t get to backup scenarios, my personal opinion is that the ideal situation...