Visual Communications Dismiss

Graphics Talk: Week Three

This week there was more cueing fun, some color tests, some updates RE video conferencing platforms, and some talk about accounting practices in the age of SBA loans. I also misspelled “streaming”.
I distributed a file to all attendees through the file-sharing function in Zoom. The file contained a bunch of different background colors and textures allowing for testing on different setups to live-demo in the room. We continued our pursuit of the cleanest type and graphics through the Zoom platform. I consider the findings to be appropriate to all platforms.
  • Drill down as deep as possible to set resolution settings for your platform (some are hiding)
  • Establish a web connection with the highest “up” speeds possible (can’t be overstated)
  • Contrast can create messy results on fine type
The three new cueing options contained a real standout for me. is a standout. It’s an HTML based option that is free to use and upgradeable to add more security. It contains a timer and message window for communication with the end-user.

(simplified) Click here

More deep digging and work from Russell Smith

Russell kicked off the meeting before everyone arrived by sharing his work on a switching control setup using Millumin. “Thought this might be of interest to the group. Here is what I have been playing with this past week, Using Millumin as a hub for inputs and pushing thru Zoom”

Here’s the video record of our talk:

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